Monday, September 22, 2008

Anne Geddes Take 1

So my mom and I were feeling creative a few weeks after Rylin was born and we decided to create our own Anne Geddes studio! We did a lot of research and perfectly enough we had a beautiful young model named Rylin as our Ginny Pig. Some may have thought this was abuse AKA Ryan, but we had quite a fun time with it. Rylin was good most of the time and when she grows up I hope she appreciates everything that both her, her mother, and her grammy went though to create these beautiful photos. If anyone wants to get a hold of us to take pictures of their children our number is in the phonebook and we only charge $500 for a sitting fee and a few hundred more for the pictures after that!!! he he he

1 comment:

aShLie JaNe said...

OH MY FRIGGIN CUTE!!! I want this girls #!! HOW adorable..