Monday, September 22, 2008

Blessing Day

It is official, on August 3rd 2008 we were proud to give Rylin Toone her name and a blessing. She was blessed in her Aunt Heather's baby blessing dress which is long a beautiful and it only took us half a bottle of Biz to make it white again! Ryan gave her a perfect blessing and Rylin did great until the very end when her binky fell out and she started crying, but it was still a perfect experience. I want to thank all of our families for coming a supporting us. It was a wonderful day and though I was not able to bare my testimony I want everyone to know that I am thankful for Rylin and what a blessing she is in my life. I can't believe that I am a mom, especially to such a beautiful baby! We had a great time eating sandwiches, fruit, salads, and drinking lemonade out in the courtyard. Everyone that helped with the food...THANKS it was delicious as you can see in one of the pictures I am shoving my face full of cake! I especially want Michelle and Nick to know how much it meant to me that they took time to come out and see Rylin. I was so anxious for them to come and when they finally got here I blinked my eyes and they were having to leave again. It was a lot of fun spending time with them at the condo and having a pool party with them. Thanks you guys! Come again soon. It was a long but wonderful day as you can see once everyone left we all took a long nap which was very much needed!

Anne Geddes Take 2

Call us crazy but my mom and I didn't have enough fun taking pictures of Rylin in one sitting, so a few weeks later we had the real professional come in (Angie Tadje) and take some more Anne Geddes inspired pictures. This time we scored huge because every picture that Angie took was adorable!!! Angie you really should start your own business and yes you can use these pictures to advertise. I would have put all the pictures on if I could but there were like 400 of them so to save you all I chose my favorites and as you can see there are still a lot of them.

Anne Geddes Take 1

So my mom and I were feeling creative a few weeks after Rylin was born and we decided to create our own Anne Geddes studio! We did a lot of research and perfectly enough we had a beautiful young model named Rylin as our Ginny Pig. Some may have thought this was abuse AKA Ryan, but we had quite a fun time with it. Rylin was good most of the time and when she grows up I hope she appreciates everything that both her, her mother, and her grammy went though to create these beautiful photos. If anyone wants to get a hold of us to take pictures of their children our number is in the phonebook and we only charge $500 for a sitting fee and a few hundred more for the pictures after that!!! he he he

Rylin's Birth

Here she is in all her glory! We think that she is the most beautiful thing brought to this earth. Though the delivery was more than painful, I managed to deliver Rylin in 14 minutes. The hospital stay was nice and we are very thankful for everyone who showed up for support. For anyone who has been questioning how Ryan would handle being a father...Rylin has him wrapped around her finger! He has been awesome.


We brought Rylin Home around 1:00 in the afternoon. She was greeted by her Grammy, Papa, and Aunt Miranda since we were spending the next two week at my Mom's house. Ryan took off a whole freakin' week to pamper me and Rylin which was sweet! We hope that he gets to do that for every baby. I have to say thanks to my mom for helping me out so much those first two weeks because I had some pretty tramatic experiences and she was right there helping me through each of them. Rylin can't wait to see her Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins so hurry up and visit!!