Well for those in another galaxy not near mine I thought that I would inform of what has been happening in our not little family since my last post. We traveled to California for a week. Spent a couple days visiting Ryan's good friend Manny whom he baptized. Rylin loved it especially his dog Guero. We went to dinner together, spent some time at the beach, and caught up. It was fun. On our way out Ryan showed me all of his mission which was really fun to see especially since I have heard so many stories and putting a picture to it all really made it that much better. The reason we were in California is my parents took the whole family there for our family vacation where we stayed in a big beach house all together. Yes there was some drama, but isn't that expected on family vacations? Well at least on Rigby family vacations there always is drama because we all like to do different things and we all try and make it happen. We had a blast though. I mean how could you not when there is sun, sand, water, food, and a magical fairytale land involved? My dad also took us to an Angels game which was awesome seening that I have never been to a professional baseball game before. (professioinal meaning not the bees games) We flippin sat right next to the dug out in these plush seats where we had to constantly keep our eyes out for ball which obviously didn't work seeing that my dad and Carrie got hit by a foul ball and yes the french fries flew everywhere. It was classic. We spent most of our days at the beach playing beach sports and building castles. Then of course we hit up Disney Land during the halloween fest. It looked awesome. We stood in line all morning to see the princesses and sadly enough Belle wasn't even one of them (Rylin's favorite). She still loved seeing them though. She felt like they were her best friends. Kennedy was a trooper all day seeing that she didn't know what was going on but constantly had a smile on her face. I only wish that we had spent more time in Toon Town since Rylin was in her happy place there. I love Disney Land especially when you get to see your kids come to life. Long day though. I can't really think of any details since it feels like an eternity ago.
I can't forget to write about winter time! We had an awesome winter this year. I say this because it was the first Christmas since I have been married that everyone in my family was healthy and we could open presents with smiles on our faces! Of course we all got spoiled and Rylin absolutely love all the princess things she got from her grandparents. Kennedy didn't really understand what was happening and only cared to open a couple presents. We had some good snow days this year too. Rylin's favorite thing to do was go outside and fill up her little watering can with the dripping rain gutter water and pour it all over the yard. This would last an hour then she woud want to go inside and have hot chocolate with toast. She takes after her mother in that reguard. I didn't get to do much skiing this year seeing I was prego and had a 6 month old to take care of. Ryan took Rylin a handful of times and she is getting pretty good now. Ryan's got her learning her pizza and how toturn. Left foot is beast and right foot is beauty. We had to do yhat since she struggled with left and right.Kennedy got good at crawling this winter. Unlike Rylin she was moving all over the place. Luckly she never fell down the stairs though we had some close calls.
These were just some adorable pictures I took of the girls one fall day. I think they are getting pretty good at posing seeing that I do it quite often. Can you blame me?