Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Know Can You Believe It!

Today is the first day of my blogging career and I already want to quit! This is the third time that I have tried to post is and it refuses to allow me to do it. I now know why my mom hates technology because it isn't her it is her STUPID COMPUTER! ARRR Plus I have tried to add gadgets and it boots me back to my dashboard so I called Heather today and asked her what to do and of course it works perfect for her! Any who...I decided that I needed to add something so here we are.

For anyone who does not know Ryan and I had our first baby on June 12th. She is drop dead gorgeous and her name is Rylin. Delivery was well...unforgettable. We finally made it through and she weighed 7 Lbs 14 Oz and was 21 1/2 inches tall. I love taking pictures of her as you can tell. That is if my pictures will actually add.

I better stop before I really test my luck! I am excited to finally be in the loop though!